The challenge is:
whoever could eating extra hot ramen in only 20 minutes will get a voucher of free one package menu.
I heard this challenge from some of my friends who had taken it already. They said it's not hot. They even told me that it's easy to win the challenge. I love eating ramen but I don't like spicy food because I had experienced terrible stomachache several times. My friends assured me it's not hot. Since I love trying something new, I dare myself to try the challenge acompanied by other of my friends who want to try the challenge for the first time too.
We had ordered super extra hot ramen and cold ocha drink. We waited about 10-15 minutes and.. Wow! big bowl of ramen had arrived. When it arrived, some waiters hit a drum: dung dung dung dung! while saying: Ganbatte! Ganbatte!
Hmmm... I could smell chilli flavor. I ate it then...
.O.M.G!!! My tongue is burning T_T
I almost got choked when the sauce past through my throat.
Cold ocha drink had saved me..
I thought I couldn't win the challenge because it red sauce is full in big bowl.
When I thought of that, my friends already finished in 10 minutes.
What kinda tongue do they have -.-!
"Look at them", I said in my heart. "If they can do it, I can do it too."
I threw away "I can not" words from my mind, and change it into "Yes, I can." I pushed myself eating sauce that only left in my big bowl.
Finally after 17 minutes, I've made it!! How happy I am, I have won one package beef menu. For some people, that challenge maybe easy to win. But for me, it's hard to be done. Ever cross in my mind, just give up, don't push yourself. When I changed my mind, I chose to be a winner. I realize it's all because power of mind and strong will.
Never give up in anything, if someone can do it either do you :)