Sometimes I give up on chasing one of my dreams. Often I think that I don't have talent to make it real. It seems impossible for me so I only try a little just for fun. But when I found this fact, I did feel ashamed. Let's take a look these real stories.
First, He Ah Lee. She was born with a lobster claw syndrome. She only has four fingers but she can play piano as well as normal people or even better. She considers her weakness as special gift from God. Her first piano teacher said that don’t act as disabled people, but play as normal one. She practices piano about 5-10 hours/day for 5 years.

Second, Jessica Cox. She has no arms. She can write, type, drive a car, brush her hair and talk on her phone simply using her feet. She flies planes and she can type 25 words a minute.

Third, Andrea Bocelli. Born with poor eyesight, he became totally blind at the age of twelve following a soccer accident. When he wants something, he has to do it. He said, "Whatever happens in life, however sad or terrible, there are still thousands of reasons to go on living this life fully."
Now, think about your limitation. What would you do to break your limit?
Take a look this video and see our similarity with the player in this video. Pay attention to what the player and the coach say.
From their stories, we can learn to keep our spirit and never give up. Never pity ourselves and turn negative mind into the positive one. Never see boundaries in yourself or it will bind you as limitation to do many great things that you haven't imagined before.
Let's make our dreams come true by breaking the limit.

Second, Jessica Cox. She has no arms. She can write, type, drive a car, brush her hair and talk on her phone simply using her feet. She flies planes and she can type 25 words a minute.

Third, Andrea Bocelli. Born with poor eyesight, he became totally blind at the age of twelve following a soccer accident. When he wants something, he has to do it. He said, "Whatever happens in life, however sad or terrible, there are still thousands of reasons to go on living this life fully."
Now, think about your limitation. What would you do to break your limit?
Take a look this video and see our similarity with the player in this video. Pay attention to what the player and the coach say.
From their stories, we can learn to keep our spirit and never give up. Never pity ourselves and turn negative mind into the positive one. Never see boundaries in yourself or it will bind you as limitation to do many great things that you haven't imagined before.
Let's make our dreams come true by breaking the limit.