Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Story : Scholarship and Work

When I was in General Middle School, I was depressed thinking whether I was capable of studying to the higher level or not. That time, my friends started talking about well known universities, both public and private. They also took courses so they could graduate with the best results and be accepted in their favourite universities.

Day by day had passed by with the thought of accomplishing my vision and dream of becoming successful. My dream was not unttainable; I only wanted to be a game programmer simply because I liked playing games.

By the time I was in the last semester of school, my brother hadn’t finished his study at a university. My father's job as a salesman was not enough to pay for both our university fees. That thing made me thinking really hard, 'How could I make some money? Do I need to just find a job and not continue my study?'. I lost direction. It was out of my capabilities; I could only pray. “Be it unto me as Your wish” was my pray.

Unpredictably, my father was told that a private university which was well known for its IT courses was offering scholarships for new students. Starting by completing documents including school grade average, entry test grade, medical check-up, as well as sitting an interview with the head of its HRD and the principal of the university, I finally managed to score the scholarship. Thank God for helping me complete all the requirements which were printed on the register form.

I then signed a contract with the head of the university. In the contract, written was that I had to work for the university for the duration of my study as well as right after I graduate for about 7 years, which was twice the length of my study. I thanked God because I could continue my study and also got a job at the same time. This event made me stand alone. A few months after I started working, I could pay my rent and buy my needs.

“Thank You Lord, because of You my life has changed. You have opened unpredictable ways for me and carried out my deepest desire, that I don’t even realize it.”

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Private Laptop and Barking Dogs

Nowadays, most of us working at the office using computer. Hard to imagine working without computer. We input some data into computer then computer process it and the output maybe result in screen display, loud speaker, or print out. We also can store data in computer memory. If we don’t use the data in computer, we can erase and send it to recycle bin. Computer is great, isn’t it? Bad news is if your computer attacked by virus. It will make your computer work unproperly. Different from that, if you input invalid data, it will result in error output.

Here is the concept. Computer work just like our mind. Mind is just like a laptop with big memory. You can bring it anywhere you go. Along the road, you are saving information in it. People that you met. Object that you see, hear. Good or bad is become input of your mind.

As a human, naturally we act based on things that dominate our mind. Maybe this explain why rape happened after men watch porn, murder happened because young teenager see lots of movie with violent content inside. That’s why we must discipline and know what we invest in heart and mind. Remember GIGO principle, “Garbage In Garbage Out”. No matter you are adult or just a kid, your heart and mind like bank account too. You can only withdrawal what you have saving. The problem is, “What have you saved in that account ?”

There is story about a girl who lives in Alaska. Half part of her want to do right thing, half again want to be rebel. One day, she went to meet a priest and explain dilemma that she facing on. She said it just like there are 2 dogs barking and fighting inside her, one good and the other evil. She felt its pull strength all day long. Each dog try to control her. Finally, the priest ask, “Which dog is stronger?” She thought for a while then answered, “I think the one which I feed the most.”

“Your heart radiate your life”

Book reference :

Habitudes: The Art of Self Leadership by Dr. Tim Elmore

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Get Up Even When You Can’t

Problem always present every day. Pressure, depressed, miserable, unhappy, dejected, anxious, confused, those are feelings that coloring life within problem. Life without problem isn’t life at all. Problem presents to grow us. Problem and its difficulties are lessons we have to face in order to up grade class in the school of life.

Never pity yourself above any tragedy in your life. Never compare yourself with someone’s fortunate. But look, there’s still many people unlucky than you. He who knows everything never give you problem more than your strength. If you face on problem, try to motivate yourself just like you motivate other people. I know this is hard, especially if emotions controll logic. Place your position outside the problem and look deeply that problem from other people point of view, then give advice to yourself. Besides, you also can ask advice from people close to you. One more thing, if you feel that problem larger than your strength, hand over that problem to the Almighty and believe, there is power in the pray of the righteous.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Art of Speaking (Part 3)

Question “yes/no” is an enemy of warm conversation. That question resulting answer only one or two words. Example :
  • Do you think this hot weather is annoying ?
  • Is America going to recession ?
  • Will England become world football champion this year ?
Conversation could be stop if you ask those questions. Instead, try :
  • This hot weather makes me think, is there any caution that relate this with global warming ? What do you think ?
  • Economy in America is unstable because of war, inflation, oil price up, House Owning Credit. You think, how many possibility America going to be recession ?
  • Lots of great football player come from England. What do you think England opportunity this year ?
The second way asking will raise long wide answer and automatically create better conversation.

Friday, June 13, 2008

You Have The Power to Create Love : Bless The World With One Thing

Bless The World With One Thing

Someday, a bird, a squirrel, a fish, and an eel come together. They decided to start a new school. Normally, a bird persist start flying school. But squirrel disputed for its will establish straight climbing course. And the fish, it want swimming high school.

This hot debate looked like going to be on and on until the eel propose a compromize : “Why don’t we let all of this include in our curriculum?” And so the school officially opened, all student follow all course that available.

Bird looked amazing when flying but failure in swimming. It didn’t take a long time, its wings broken because free style and chest style. Finally bird got C in flying class, and F in swimming.

Squirrel jumped from the highest tree and shouting “Superman!” It didn’t work. Squirrel had broken its bone when trying to fly.

And the fish? It hardly breathed when it tried to climb or fly. Until it had brain damage and even not the best swimmer at last semester.

Guess who’s the best in the class ?

The eel. It did everything half way. In climbing, it did wiggle up. In swimming, it did wiggle in watter. In flying, it did snap. So it got C in all of its courses and become the best in the class.

Life isn’t about trying to be an expert in everything. Life is becoming an expert in one thing and tribute it to the world. You must find one thing which you can do best, then you are one step closer to the fun, happy, and peaceful life. What is one thing that you can do for the world ?

Book Reference :
You Have The Power to Create Love by Bo Sanchez

Thursday, June 12, 2008

You Have The Power to Create Love : Discover Yourself

Discover Yourself

In lots of party, you will find general ritual at karaoke place. First, someone is persuaded to sing for his group. This person first will refuse hardly as if he will be elected as a president candidate. He will point out another person who can sing better. But, if for some reasons people could persuade him no more, you will see this person go home sadly and maybe he’s going to hang himself.

But let’s say that ritual continue and people keep insist him singing. This singer nominee now will refuse with humor and shy (inviting them to more insist him). He says something stupid like “I don’t wanna sing, because if I sing I’m gonna be a star.”

When the singer took microphone, he will said “I’m ready, play the song!” After he sang, everyone will praise him and ask him to sing again (no matter his voice made everyone has short experience of earthquake). His audience will say, “There should be a producer who sees you, you can be famous! Your voice as great as David Archuleta.”

Let’s focus on one thing of this ritual, it’s all about “found” by producer and become famous. In this life, believe that found by someone is not as important as you find yourself. You will find beauty, noble, extraordinary, miracle which is You!

“Popularity is when people like you. Happiness is when you like yourself.”

Book Reference :

You Have The Power to Create Love by Bo Sanchez

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader (Part 1 : Character)

Character : Be Part of a Rock.

As a founder, pilot, business leader, Bill Lear hold more than 150 patent rights, including automatic pilot, car radio, etc. In 1950, Lear saw potency to establish small jet company. He needed several years to make his dream come true. In 1963, his first Lear Jet was launched. Lear succeed at that moment and soon he had sold lots of Lear Jet plane.

Not long after that moment, two planes had been crashed misteriously. His heart really broken. On that moment, 55 Lear Jet planes had been bought for personal needs, and Lear soon sent messages to all planes owner not to fly their planes until he and his team could find what possibility of two planes crashed. The thought that might be lost more lives was more important to him than bad name that might he get.

While he had been investigating accident that happened to his two planes, Lear found potential cause, but couldn’t proove that technical problem on the land. There’s only one way to found out is he diagnose the problem exactly. He should try it by himself in the air.

That proccess really dangerous, but that was he done. While he was flying his jet plane, he almost loose control. Thankfully, he made it and safe. He had found its deformed. Then he developed new supply to solve the problem and set it on another 55 planes, so dangerous dissapeared.

Forbiding his planes fly had made him lose a lot of money. And it also grew seeds of doubt in his potential buyers. As consequence, he needed two years to build again his business. However, Lear never regret his decision. It requires character to keep integrity.

What everybody should know about character ?

  1. Character is more than words.
  2. Talent is a gift, but character is a choice.
  3. Character bring success to others.
  4. A leader could not pass his character boundary.

Book Reference :

The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John C. Maxwell

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Art of Speaking (Part 2)

Most of us usually shy or nurveous when talking to them whom we haven’t met before. Especially first time we speak in front of public. To remove this feeling, keep in mind that people you are talking to are as shy as you. Remember, people you are talking to will enjoy their conversation if they know you enjoy it too. Try to make them feel comfortable doing conversation. If you can dismiss your worried, you will be a good speaker.

To open conversation with someone new, you can use unlimited topics. But if you already knew them, you might look some topics. Try to look around you and find relevant topic. Maybe about nowadays event like football, politic, entertainment, or other which is rich of information. Or.. if you are in the party with great setting you’ll find something to talk. Just look around you and let it flow.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Art of Speaking (Part 1)

Talk is like playing playstation, drive a car, or cooking. More often you do it, more skilled you become. But first, you need to know the basic.

For some people, talk is a nature gift. But aren’t they who have it also need to develop it? Change their talent to be an expert? Luciano Pavarotti was born with a beautiful voice, but he still has to learn singing. Larry King, one of the most wanted and exclusive public speaker in America had passing through a lot of event where talking is not easy as now. I will tell you Larry King’s key of public speaking from the book I’ve read.

You need to be honest when talking to other people. Put peoples position who listening to you in your position. If they know your condition, they will understand you and it will make you more confidence. Make them part in your experience.

You must have willing to talk. Focuss on your mind and practice your talk. To be a public speaker you need to give attention and open to other people. It doesn’t mean you talk about yourself all the time or tell your private secret. Treat other people as you want other people treat you.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Once upon a time, there’s a child who stand in front of wood fence. His father said, “Son, never nail that fence because it’s already look great.” Yet, the child didn’t listen to his father. That wood fence has been nailed several times until his father saw and stopped him. His father then revoke the nails and showed him what happened to the fence. His father said, “Son, look what you have done. This wood fence now has a lot of hole. Even if you try to mend it, still it will left a mark.”

Same as human heart, when it hurt or dissapointed, it will left a hole although event that triggering those feelings had past. How good we try to mend a broken heart, still the marks will left inside. That’s why, you may never hurt someone’s heart.

If you ever had experience family, friends, lover, or working partner betrayed, disloyal, dishonest, etc., that thing must be stay in mind and scratch the pain in your heart. Feels so hurt when you’ve been dissapointed by someone especially someone that you love the most. If you are in that position, forgive him/her. To forgive someone is not easy. Pain in your heart same as physical pain, need medicine to cure it. Forgiveness is the medicine for broken heart. When you imagine someone who has dissapointed or hurt your heart, forgive him/her every time you feel the pain. As long as the pain still felt, that long you have to take the medicine. Don’t be afraid to take the medicine, this medicine has no side effect. Only the brave one who has great love dare to take the medicine.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Story : 17th Birthday

November 22nd, 2001, I was sitting in front of my computer playing games when my father and mother got home from the hospital. Quit playing the games, I came up to them quickly and asked, “What did the doctor say?”. They told me she had a tumor and would undergo a surgery the next day. I was shocked. I kept silent that day.

November 23rd, 2001, I was sitting in the waiting room with my father and grandmother while my mother was undergoing the surgery. I was nurveous and worried about my mother. I kept on praying and praying… I prayed, “God, today is my birthday.. I don’t want any gifts. I only wish You would save my mother. I love her so much. I can’t lose her now. Please…”. After 2 hours, a doctor came out of the surgery room. The doctor said, “She’s okay now.” Thank God, the surgery was successful. I felt so happy. Thanks to the doctors at Mitra Keluarga Hospital in Bekasi, God bless you all. My mother’s life was a wonderful gift from God for my 17th birthday.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Lift Your Fear

Day by day, always rise new problem. Whether it's family conflict, finance problem, school, friends, etc. These problems could be a burden in your mind and feeling every time. When you want to do something, you may feel fear for stepping in wrong way or making wrong decision. At the time when the problem couldn't be solved, we would be affraid of consequences that might be happened later.

If you have fear because of what's in your mind, try to reflect these words :
"Peace is fear that pray"
Human is weak. Feel the fear won't solve any problems. Hand over problem that you can't handle to God. He will give His hand pleasantly :)