Friday, June 13, 2008

You Have The Power to Create Love : Bless The World With One Thing

Bless The World With One Thing

Someday, a bird, a squirrel, a fish, and an eel come together. They decided to start a new school. Normally, a bird persist start flying school. But squirrel disputed for its will establish straight climbing course. And the fish, it want swimming high school.

This hot debate looked like going to be on and on until the eel propose a compromize : “Why don’t we let all of this include in our curriculum?” And so the school officially opened, all student follow all course that available.

Bird looked amazing when flying but failure in swimming. It didn’t take a long time, its wings broken because free style and chest style. Finally bird got C in flying class, and F in swimming.

Squirrel jumped from the highest tree and shouting “Superman!” It didn’t work. Squirrel had broken its bone when trying to fly.

And the fish? It hardly breathed when it tried to climb or fly. Until it had brain damage and even not the best swimmer at last semester.

Guess who’s the best in the class ?

The eel. It did everything half way. In climbing, it did wiggle up. In swimming, it did wiggle in watter. In flying, it did snap. So it got C in all of its courses and become the best in the class.

Life isn’t about trying to be an expert in everything. Life is becoming an expert in one thing and tribute it to the world. You must find one thing which you can do best, then you are one step closer to the fun, happy, and peaceful life. What is one thing that you can do for the world ?

Book Reference :
You Have The Power to Create Love by Bo Sanchez

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