Thursday, June 19, 2008

Private Laptop and Barking Dogs

Nowadays, most of us working at the office using computer. Hard to imagine working without computer. We input some data into computer then computer process it and the output maybe result in screen display, loud speaker, or print out. We also can store data in computer memory. If we don’t use the data in computer, we can erase and send it to recycle bin. Computer is great, isn’t it? Bad news is if your computer attacked by virus. It will make your computer work unproperly. Different from that, if you input invalid data, it will result in error output.

Here is the concept. Computer work just like our mind. Mind is just like a laptop with big memory. You can bring it anywhere you go. Along the road, you are saving information in it. People that you met. Object that you see, hear. Good or bad is become input of your mind.

As a human, naturally we act based on things that dominate our mind. Maybe this explain why rape happened after men watch porn, murder happened because young teenager see lots of movie with violent content inside. That’s why we must discipline and know what we invest in heart and mind. Remember GIGO principle, “Garbage In Garbage Out”. No matter you are adult or just a kid, your heart and mind like bank account too. You can only withdrawal what you have saving. The problem is, “What have you saved in that account ?”

There is story about a girl who lives in Alaska. Half part of her want to do right thing, half again want to be rebel. One day, she went to meet a priest and explain dilemma that she facing on. She said it just like there are 2 dogs barking and fighting inside her, one good and the other evil. She felt its pull strength all day long. Each dog try to control her. Finally, the priest ask, “Which dog is stronger?” She thought for a while then answered, “I think the one which I feed the most.”

“Your heart radiate your life”

Book reference :

Habitudes: The Art of Self Leadership by Dr. Tim Elmore

1 comment:

Hady Pranoto said...

good article and very inspiring